commercial garage doors

Description and characteristics of commercial garage doors.

Description and characteristics of commercial garage doors.
Industrial sectional doors are used to close large openings (both in the facades of buildings and in the interior of a large area) or to ensure uninterrupted long-term and intensive operation of the barrier devices.

Their size, design, and installed additional means that strengthen the safety of the entire mechanism allow you to solve the problem of property safety in buildings difficult to cover: hangars, workshops, garages of transport companies, warehouses, car washes, and industrial, commercial, and agricultural facilities. Depending on the specifics of your business, you can choose heat-resistant, fireproof, noise- or heat-insulating industrial lift gates.

Company Westfield-GarageDoor offers to buy industrial sectional gates (price – one of the lowest in the United States) of well-known European manufacturers. Technical characteristics of products, price lists, free delivery conditions and other useful information are available on the company’s website.
Industrial sectional doors: design features

The gate leaf of this type is a panoramic section or closed galvanized panel. When closed, the gate is located vertically to the floor and ceiling; when opened – the guide rails rise up and are fixed under the ceiling.

The space between the two steel sheets is filled with polyurethane foam, which gives sandwich panels additional rigidity and strength. In this case, there is no chance that the metal will “hang.” In addition, tight metal is a good heat and noise insulator. To strengthen these properties, the panels are framed with an elastic seal that provides reliable protection from moisture and cold.

All these are general characteristics of sectional barriers. However, from the point of view of human safety and trouble-free operation of the entire device, industrial sectional gates, characterized by large size and massiveness, need increased strength. For this purpose, the construction is additionally reinforced, for example, by installing a torsion balancing system and double roller brackets, and the parts are made with a large safety margin.

The reliability of the construction, even with active use of the product, is confirmed by the following aspects:

  • The possibility of controlling the gate remotely (using automatics from Italian, German, and other European manufacturers) or manually
  •  A safety system is installed, which excludes uncontrollably of the gate, falling of the door leaf, or breaking of springs and cables
  • There is protection against pinching fingers

Garage and industrial sectional doors, additional features:

    1. Industrial sectional doors can be complemented by wicket doors, built directly into the gate or the building’s facade, to reduce wear and tear mechanisms, save time, and save heat in the room/garage.
    2.     Provide convenience, and for pets – choose the option of gates with a climb.
    3.     Built-in windows in the gate canvas – it is not only beautiful, but also profitable, because it allows you to work with natural light.
    4.     Automatics and ventilation grilles add comfort.
    5.     Industrial sectional doors, closing the premises in which there is excessive moisture, can be additionally protected from corrosion.
    6.     It is possible to install this type of door in openings of any shape.
    7.     The customer can choose from a wide range of textures and shades.
